Lauch Point Update 20FEB21


The self-edit liked to have killed me but I finished it in just the nick of time. I found an editor who just happened to be wrapping her previous project – she only works on one at a time. While we were working out the details I was wrapping up the final tweaks and revisions before sending it off for her critiquing.
I think I have decided who will do the many graphic & cover artworks. I may research a couple more firms if time permits.


While waiting for the editing to be done I have started outlining the second in the saga: transferring from my notebooks to Scrivener. I am still flip-flopping between which story will be book two. This will be interesting since my first idea was a mix of F&D and Trade Wars.
Titles, release order, cover art are still quite fluid & subject to change at these early stages. Stay tuned: as the saying goes, “no plan survives contact with the enemy.”

Until next time: Stay the Course.

The Ship is Underway


The first draft of Foreign & Domestic is done. All 108,000 words.

Without editing or formatting it is several hundred pages. Not long for a thriller by any means. Perhaps it is too long for my first offering. We shall see.


Now that the first draft is done. The next step is the self edit. I am told it can take fifty plus hours to read, and fix the issues with the first draft before it is ready to send off to the editor. Well, here we go: full steam ahead between the buoys.


I have signed up for a master class geared towards indie authors wanting to self publish successfully without the need for traditional publishing firms.